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Free download Beer Hockey APK for Android

sourcedate:2024-05-20 browse

Description of Beer Hockey In this game go head to head with a friend or challenge the computer to see who can hit the puck into all their opponents open beer cups first. Once a cup is hit it gets drank and flipped over and the puck can then bounce off of it. To mix things up open cups and flipped cups can randomly shuffle with each other at dif7up Down ferent time intervals. Do you have what it takes to become the Beer Hockey Champ?

Version history Beer Hockey New in Beer Hockey 1.3 -Made it so the puck starts slow and speeds up after every hit, it seemed the puck was always going too fast before-Fixed a touch bug happening after pressing the cup-Added "tap the cup!" to remind player to tap cup when in drink mode-Changed name to Beer Hockey because its more understandable Please rate this app

Ganesha Fortune

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