Game overviewEnjoy private moments of communication through unique online incense fireworks that reflect real">
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Online Sparkler – Download game for Android/iOS

sourcedate:2024-05-19 browse"white" stroke-width="3.75">Game overviewEnjoy private moments of communication through unique online incense fireworks that reflect real-world weather and support up to 20 players, with the ability to capture memories.

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Online Sparklers is a game where you can share the time of watching fire together. The sparklers displayed in the game emit different lights depending on the weather conditions at the time, allowing you to create a special communication with someone. Real-world weather conditions are reflected in the game, and you can enjoy sparklers depending on the weather in real time (however, sometimes the weather in the game and in real life may differ). From 1 to 20 players can watch the fire quietly or chat with family and friends while using Buffalo Win fireworks. Furthermore, by playing the Steam version of online sparklers, you will be able to play in the same space. Fireworks disappear and all that remains are memories, but in this game you can take photos. You can keep it safe or share it on social media. Show more

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